How To Write A Big 5 Comparison Article That Builds Trust

8 min read
Jul 1, 2024 1:55:58 PM
How To Write A Big 5 Comparison Article That Builds Trust


There are a few blog article topics that drive more traffic, leads, and sales than any others. We call them the Big 5: 1. Cost & Price, 2. Potential Problems, 3. Versus & Comparisons, 4. Best Of, and 5. Reviews. And there is a good reason for their success: the Big 5 answer all the burning questions our buyers ask but businesses usually shy away from answering. 

As a content creator who has embraced the They Ask, You Answer methodology since the book was first published in 2017, I have written dozens of successful comparison articles as a Certified They Ask, You Answer Coach, and I have trained content managers across the globe to apply this framework to create Big 5 articles effectively.

In this article, we take a closer look at what a Versus or Comparison article is and how to write different types of them in a way that they'll contribute to your revenue generation. 

Why Comparison Articles Matter

Comparison articles are invaluable tools for consumers, enabling them to make informed decisions by presenting detailed analyses of different products or services side-by-side.

Make It Easy For Your Buyers To Compare Options

As buyers, we love to compare. Moving through the buyer's journey, we first compare solution approaches, product categories, and specific vendors, products, or offers. This allows us to narrow our research fields and decide which product or service to buy. 

A well-crafted comparison article breaks down these options into easily digestible chunks, focusing on the key features, benefits, and drawbacks of each product or service. This helps readers quickly grasp the differences and similarities, making their decision-making process more efficient and less stressful.

For prefab house companies, some examples of topics could include:

  • Prefab vs. Modular House: What's The Difference?
  • Which Is Better: Prefab vs. Traditional House?
  • Mobile vs. Prefab. vs. Modular House: Which Is The Better Long-Term Investment?
  • Zoning Restrictions For Prefab vs. Normal House Options
  • Prefab vs. Custom-Built Homes: Which Suits Your Lifestyle?
  • Energy Efficiency: Prefab vs. Traditional Houses
  • Cost Comparison: Prefab Homes vs. Stick-Built Homes
  • Prefab vs. Kit Homes: What’s the Best Choice for DIY Enthusiasts?
  • Durability Showdown: Prefab vs. Manufactured Homes

As you can see, buyers are searching for answers to these questions on Google:

Prefab House vs. Google Search

Establish Your Brand As A Reliable Source Of Unbiased Information & Build Trust

Let's face it. Most buyers are increasingly skeptical of marketing claims—and rightfully so.

Providing unbiased, well-researched comparison articles significantly builds your brand's credibility and trustworthiness. When readers find balanced and honest assessments on your site, they are more likely to perceive your brand as transparent and trustworthy. This trust is crucial in building long-term customer relationships and loyalty.

By consistently delivering high-quality comparison content, you position your brand as an industry expert and a go-to resource for reliable information, which not only helps retain current customers but also attracts new ones who value integrity and expertise. 

SEO Benefits: Boosting Search Engine Rankings

From an SEO perspective, comparison articles are a goldmine. Search engines prioritize content that provides users with comprehensive, relevant, and useful information.

Comparison articles often target long-tail keywords which are specific phrases that potential customers use when they're closer to making a purchase decision. By effectively incorporating these keywords, your comparison articles can rank higher in search results, driving more organic traffic to your site.

Moreover, comparison articles typically generate more engagement, such as longer dwell times and higher click-through rates, because they address specific queries in depth. This positive user interaction signals to search engines that your content is valuable, boosting visibility. Additionally, well-structured comparison articles are more likely to attract backlinks from other reputable sites, enhancing your site's authority and ranking potential.

Comparison Article Quote

5 Easy Steps For Writing A Comparison Article

1. Identify The Type Of Comparison Article You Wish To Write

There are a lot of different ways to write a versus or comparison article but they pretty much all boil down to three main types of comparison articles:

  • Pro & Con Comparison Articles: These articles weigh the benefits and drawbacks of a particular product, service, or decision. They help readers understand both sides of an option, enabling them to make more informed choices. For instance, a pro and con comparison of solar panels might discuss energy savings and environmental benefits versus initial installation costs and maintenance.

  • Category Comparison Articles: Category comparisons look at different products or services within a broader category to highlight their unique features and benefits. These articles aim to educate readers on which product or service suits their specific needs. For example, a category comparison might compare different types of eco-friendly building materials, detailing the pros and cons of each material type (e.g., bamboo vs. reclaimed wood vs. recycled steel).

  • Competitor Comparison Articles: Competitor comparisons focus on directly comparing your product or service with those of your competitors. These articles are designed to be honest and transparent, helping potential customers understand how your offerings stack up against the competition. For example, a competitor comparison might compare two popular renewable energy providers, outlining the differences in pricing, service quality, and customer satisfaction.

Each type of comparison article serves a unique purpose and can be a powerful tool in guiding your audience through their decision-making process. 

2. Do Your Research & Conduct SME Interviews

In the age of AI (see what I did there? 😂), writing for the sake of just pumping out content is a complete waste of time and energy. If I can go to ChatGPT and say, "Write me an article on how to write a comparison article," there is no point in writing it because anyone can do that. Every article needs to add value, and we do that by doing our research, using our expertise and experience, and adding our own points of view or opinions.

But let's say you are a content manager tasked with writing a Big 5 Versus or Comparison article. You can conduct primary research, such as audience research and competitive analysis, or secondary research by utilizing data insights, industry reports, and more. But most likely, you will be interviewing an internal subject matter expert (SME).

Your company is an expert in what you do, and you have a unique set of experiences and expertise. Do your homework before the interview so you have a comprehensive understanding of the topic. I always recommend to the content managers I train as part of our They Ask, You Answer Mastery Program that they read the top five articles on that question. This way, you are researching the topic, but you also know what is already out there in terms of information.

Your subject matter experts will provide you with deep insights. Your job is now to pick it all apart and present it in a way that someone who has little to no background knowledge will get a lot of value out of it. 

3. Address The Potential "Bias" Right Away

Your reader, having previously read dozens of comparison articles that ended up pushing the solution that the writer was selling as naturally the best, will think, "Oh, of course, they will make their product/solution look better so they get the sale."

The point of a comparison article is not to convince anyone but rather to give them all the information they need honestly and transparently so that they can make the right decision for themselves.

To address that question of bias, start with a clear and engaging introduction that sets the context and manages expectations but also addresses a potential bias and explains what qualifies you to write this article. A great way to write these kinds of introductions is the PEP framework.


The screenshot above shows the introduction of one of the best comparison articles out there: Concrete Pools vs. Fiberglass Pools: An Honest Comparison by River Pools & Spas. Even though River Pools doesn't sell concrete pools, this article is a key driver for traffic, leads, and sales for them.

4. Decide On The Right Structure For Your Comparison Article

A Versus or Comparison article lives and dies by the structure you give it. Usually, they are very long and can go quite deep, so you will need to give it an easy-to-scan-and-follow structure that instantly gives the reader a basic understanding of what they will get out of the article.

Since you are writing a comparison article, you will need to explain next what criteria you are using to draw your conclusions. Keep this section brief but detailed. Put yourself in the reader's shoes to understand what level of information they need. Remember, it might be clear to you why you chose certain criteria, but it might not be clear to them. So explain why it matters. And by the way, there is huge value in this already as it gives your reader a checklist to compare other options. 

Last but not least, think about how you will structure the actual comparison. You can do a side-by-side comparison in the form of a table, do a visual summary of the results followed by an in-depth analysis of each option, or go criteria by criteria. Whatever you decide to do, make sure you don't sacrifice clarity and readability.

5. Write The Article Using Best Writing Practices

Now, you are ready to write the article. As you write, always have the person in mind for whom you are writing this. Think of yourself as a trusted guide or well-meaning teacher. You are not here to sell or promote; you are here to give this person correct and unbiased information honestly and transparently so they can make the right decision for themselves. 

To achieve that, your tone needs to be neutral, objective, and impartial while still reflecting your brand personality. For example, the voice in the article above is super personable and approachable, and if you have ever heard Marcus Sheridan speak, you can almost read it in his voice in your head. 

Keep it clear and simple, avoiding jargon and complex language. The person you are speaking with might not be familiar with all the industry terms, so beware of the curse of knowledge. When you assume that someone knows as much as you do when they don't, you become hard to follow. 

And, of course, use the correct headings and subheadings, as well as bullet points to structure your article.

Bonus Tip: Showing Is Better Than Telling

Writing a great comparison article is hard because you have to overcome doubts and the perception of bias in your reader's mind. Because seeing is believing, it really helps to visually show the differences. If you are comparing the construction methods of prefab homes with traditional houses, you can visually SHOW the difference. Whether you are using side-by-side images or you create a video of a subject matter expert explaining and showing the difference, make sure to show rather than only tell.


I hope you find this information helpful in guiding you through how to write your first few comparison articles. If you would like feedback on one, feel free to send it to me. Also, I am taking all my years of experience writing Big 5 articles and baking it into a Custom GPT that provides some first level of feedback. If you would like to test-drive it, give me a shout. 

Need more strategic help implementing They Ask, You Answer within your organization? Reach out to me to schedule a first chat. I am happy to help.

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